WHAT EXACTLY IS THE ACH NETWORK? The ACH network is an automated system for transmitting and receiving money between bank accounts. The ACH network has been in operation for more than 50 years. It is widely regarded as one of the world’s most dependable and secure payment processing systems. The NACHA.org operating […]
New York AGs push card companies to add firearms category

California and New York AGs push Credit and Debit cards companies to add firearms category, WHY? Is this is Just a Start? The top prosecutors in California and New York are pushing three major U.S. credit card companies to add a new purchase category code for guns. They say this will help law enforcement spot […]
What is a Friendly Fraud chargeback?

What exactly is a chargeback or Friendly Fraud? Or as we call it: What is a Friendly Fraud chargeback? For sure for a business owner, there are NO Friendly disputes, chargebacks, or losses… a business owner must fight and prevent all if not most of their chargebacks and losses. All kinds of companies, from small […]
Investor is suing Binance because of the collapse of Stablecoin

Investors in cryptocurrencies are suing the US exchange Binance because of the collapse of Stablecoin. Jeffrey Lockhart, a resident of Utah, is the plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against Binance and its CEO Brian Shroder. Lockhart claims in the case that Binance misrepresented Terra USD as being backed by fiat currency, when in reality it was […]
Credit Card Processing for Adults

Credit Card , ACH, Crypto , Processing for Adults , Streaming, Toys and more In the United States alone, the adult entertainment sector is worth billions of dollars. If you’re a retailer of adult toys and products, you’re well aware that demand for your items is consistent from one quarter to the next. […]
Merchant Account for SaaS Companies

SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE Why eDataPay proudly Offer Solutions for SaaS Businesses? Finding an online merchant account for a SaaS company has never been more difficult. Due to their simplicity of use and affordability for small businesses and enterprises alike, SaaS, or software-as-a-service, companies have risen in popularity in recent years. In 2018, the industry […]
Forex merchant account

Everything you need to know about a forex merchant account All Forex businesses that apply to eDataPay High Risk must have an internationally recognized regulatory license from an organization like the FCA, FINTRAC, or CySec. Looking for Forex payment processing? You’ve come to the right place. EDataPay provides binary options & Forex merchant accounts for […]
Stringent standards for cyber security
On October 21, 2016, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) updated the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) with an updated rule. This updated rule replaced the prior Unclassified Controlled Technical Information (UCTI) Rule, and it imposed new, more stringent standards for cyber security. In addition, the updated rule expanded the information subject to safeguarding and implemented more thorough […]
CYBERSECURITY Overview NIST develops cybersecurity standards, guidelines, best practices, and other resources to meet the needs of U.S. industry, federal agencies and the broader public. Our activities range from producing specific information that organizations can put into practice immediately to longer-term research that anticipates advances in technologies and future challenges. Some NIST cybersecurity assignments are […]