Law Firm Merchant Accounts

Law Firm Merchant Accounts – Payment Processing 2022 The most cost efficient attorney-merchant account programs for solo and small firms and the most flexible for mid to large size firms. Payment Processing designed for attorneys. EdataPay was the first to bring you merchant accounts designed specifically for attorneys that keep you in compliance with […]

WHAT EXACTLY IS THE ACH NETWORK? The ACH network is an automated system for transmitting and receiving money between bank accounts. The ACH network has been in operation for more than 50 years. It is widely regarded as one of the world’s most dependable and secure payment processing systems. The operating […]
NMI Payment Gateway

HOW DOES NMI PAYMENT GATEWAY WORK? NMI and eData have been around for more than 20 years and works well with Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. NMI has APIs that let you and your customers use the most up-to-date payment gateway features. Network Merchants, Inc. (NMI) offers an e-commerce payment gateway with lots of features […]
Are You a High Risk Merchant?

Are You a High Risk Merchant? We can help! We provide custom merchant accounts for a wide range of high risk industries. High-risk Account – Tired Of Being Declined? Low Rates, No Contract. Apply Now! One Stop Solution for Your High-Risk Business. All Businesses Accepted. We Can Get You Approved. Call Us for Lowest […]
New York AGs push card companies to add firearms category

California and New York AGs push Credit and Debit cards companies to add firearms category, WHY? Is this is Just a Start? The top prosecutors in California and New York are pushing three major U.S. credit card companies to add a new purchase category code for guns. They say this will help law enforcement spot […]