18 B2B Ecommerce Best Practices

eDataPay’s Complete Guide to 18 B2B Ecommerce Best Practices The eDataPay’s merchant Guide with the 18 B2B Ecommerce Best Practices Running a successful B2B ecommerce business in today’s competitive landscape requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of best practices. At eDataPay, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you optimize your site, increase […]

TRAVEL & TIMESHARE MERCHANT ACCOUNT People enjoy traveling and spending their vacations in new and interesting areas, thus the travel, tourism, and timeshare businesses are quite popular. Americans spend billions of dollars each year to ensure they have a pleasant time somewhere nice. Even though this seems like a wonderful concept, getting started can be […]
Law Firm Merchant Accounts

Law Firm Merchant Accounts – Payment Processing 2022 The most cost efficient attorney-merchant account programs for solo and small firms and the most flexible for mid to large size firms. Payment Processing designed for attorneys. EdataPay was the first to bring you merchant accounts designed specifically for attorneys that keep you in compliance with […]
NMI Payment Gateway

HOW DOES NMI PAYMENT GATEWAY WORK? NMI and eData have been around for more than 20 years and works well with Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. NMI has APIs that let you and your customers use the most up-to-date payment gateway features. Network Merchants, Inc. (NMI) offers an e-commerce payment gateway with lots of features […]
Jewelry Businesses

Jewelry Merchant Account – Payment & Credit Card Processing. • True Daily Funding! • Same Day Funding! • Social Media Package 101 • Free Website Landing page for the deal and Financing • 0% Merchant account Fee deal with our Cash Discount Bank Program Get Started Today with 2022’s Best Merchant Services! Save On Fees […]
0% Credit Card Processing

INTRODUCING 0% Credit Card Processing A unique program developed to help merchants nationwide save virtually 100% on processing fees by offering their customers a discount for paying with Cash or in-store gift cards. Collect 100% of your processing sales NO Transaction Fees | NO Junk Fees! 100% legal. Available in all 50 states Eliminate processing fees Next […]
Earn residual income As eDataPay ISO reseller

How can one remain in their current career while working part-time as a reseller in order to receive residual income? The purchase and sale of credit card processing services are widely regarded to be lucrative endeavors. To be sure, this is the case, but the real issue is this: how much cash can you […]
Ransomware and virus attacks

Are you protected from ransomware virus attacks? It encrypts your data or locks your operating system if ransomware or an encryption Trojan is installed. Ransomware demands a ransom for the release of a “digital hostage,” such as a file. Preparation is key if you want to avoid being confronted with a locked laptop or an […]
Watch Out for These Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Trends

Machine Learning and AI Trends to Watch Perhaps artificial intelligence will allow individuals to be more creative, free humans from complicated or monotonous duties, and even replace humans in hazardous occupations. The advancement of artificial intelligence technology will work hand in hand with the digitalization and intelligent upgrading of the industrial sector, resulting in the […]
How to Get a Merchant Account?

What is a Merchant Account and How Do I Get One? A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows companies to accept debit and credit card payments. A merchant account is a contract between a retailer, a merchant bank, and a payment processor for the processing of credit and debit card transactions. […]